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Acara Concepts Ltd UK

Acara Concepts Ltd UK Contact Details

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Paul Ibbotson
England UK
Opening Hours
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09:00 am-05:30 pm

09:00 am-05:30 pm

09:00 am-05:30 pm

09:00 am-05:30 pm

09:00 am-05:30 pm



Other Dates

Closed Saturday and Sunday

About Acara Concepts Ltd UK

Acara Concepts Ltd is a distributor of natural, sustainable and very effective thermal and acoustic insulation products throughout the UK and Ireland. Please contact us for no-obligation and friendly advice.

PhoneStar is a very versatile, proven, award-winning sound insulation product suitable for use on walls, floors and ceilings and is only 15mm thick. The CE-marked soundproofing board is made from natural and ecological materials and has been awarded ‘Outstanding Innovative Achievement’ for a construction product. 

The unique and unrivalled PhoneStar acoustic insulation board exceeds Building Regulations for Sound – Approved Document E, when used as part of simple structures. It significantly reduces both airborne sound, such as television or talking noise between rooms, and impact sound, such as footstep noise and dragging furniture noise heard overhead. PhoneStar is a dense product with a high mass, but it is also soft due to its compacted but loose quartz sand filling contained within an engineered, fluted cardboard carcass. These are the critical characteristics required for noise reduction and it also has unique self-decoupling properties.

This product is ideal to reduce noise from neighbours, as well as to reduce noise within one's own home. It is also very popular for home cinemas, music rooms, recording studios, schools and offices. PhoneStar can be fitted to new and existing properties, both domestic and commercial, and it is very easy to install. 

Acara Concepts Ltd UK Image
Acara Concepts Ltd UK Image

Pavatex Wood Fibre thermal insulation softboards provide high thermal resistance in roofs, walls, suspended floors and attics in both masonry and timber frame constructions.

These breathable, sustainable and natural wood fibre insulation boards allow water vapour and water droplets to transfer through them effectively so that condensation, mould growth and humidity will not be a problem in buildings, and this in turn makes the building healthier and should reduce the risk of allergies and asthma. Breathability is critical when insulating solid walled buildings.

Pavatex Wood Fibre thermal insulation products have a higher density than conventional insulation, and this coupled with their high Specific Heat Capacity, means that they protect properties from extremes of temperature all year round. This thermal mass property means that the solar gain heat during summer is stored in the roof and walls during the day and is gradually released into the building during the night as it cools. This is particularly important in lightweight structures e.g. timber frame buildings and in converted attics. In addition, airborne and impact sound insulation are enhanced in the building due to the density of the boards.

Common Applications
There are Pavatex wood fibre boards available that are suitable for external wall insulation. These water resistant but vapour-open boards can be rendered to directly or can be finished with ventilated cladding. EWI greatly reduces thermal bridging. Another option is to internally insulate the walls and there are Pavatex boards suitable for direct plastering or a plasterboard finish.

Roof insulation is also possible with a number of different roof sarking boards which are generally placed above the rafters, and the rafters are infilled with Pavaflex flexible wood fibre. This system adds thermal mass to the roof and reduces thermal bridging through the rafters.

Acara Concepts Ltd UK Image
Acara Concepts Ltd UK Image

Acara Concepts also distributes the Lignotrend range of timber sound absorption and reverberation panels for room acoustics. 

These very high quality, sustainable, NaturePlus certified products are made from silver fir or oak timber slats with a wood fibre backing as the absorption layer. 

Acara Concepts Ltd UK Image
Acara Concepts Ltd UK Image



Products & Services

Fabric First

Naturheld Wood Fibre Thermal and Acoustic Insulation for Walls, Roofs and Attics

Pavatex Wood Fibre Thermal and Acoustic Insulation for Walls, Roofs and Attics

Insulating Attics

Insulating Suspended Floors

External Wall Insulation

Internal Wall Insulation

Insulating Walls

Insulating Solid Walls

Solid Wall Insulation

Insulating Roofs

Insulating Heritage Buildings

Breathable Insulation

Natural Insulation

PhoneStar Soundproofing Acoustic Insulation for Walls, Floors and Ceilings

Noisy Neighbour Soundproofing

Soundproofing Ceilings

Soundproofing Floors

Soundproofing Walls

Sound Insulation

Acoustic Insulation


Lignotrend Acoustic Absorption Panels to reduce Reverberation

Reverberation Absorption Panels

Room Acoustics

Acoustic Solutions

Building Acoustics

Acara Concepts Ltd UK General Description

Pavatex soundproofing Floors Soundproofing a house How to soundproof a room soundproofing Walls Soundproofing Ceilings PhoneStar Acoustic Insulation Sound Insulation Wood Fibre Insulation Natural Insulation Products wood fibre insulation Sustainable Insulation Wood fibre thermal insulation
Pace ConsultThe Soundproofing LtdARM Acoustics LtdNoiseAssess Acoustic ConsultancyE3PAdvanced AcousticsTanks For Everything LtdContainexNo Hydro123v Plc
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2024/07/27 06:31:22