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With 30 years’ experience supplying machine productivity and safety systems for construction equipment Prolec products have defined the industry for compliant, smart solutions.

We're experts in control, measurement and guidance of construction equipment to enhance functionality, deliver higher productivity and reduce costs. Equipment safety and machine control is at the heart of our business.

A part of James Fisher and Sons plc, Prolec products have been successfully deployed across a wide range of applications in construction and demolition plant, including:
  • Lifting safety
  • Road construction
  • Railway excavator safety
  • Dredging and marine engineering
  • Ground engineering
  • Cargo handling
  • Quarrying and mining
  • Demolition safety
  • Machine envelope monitoring
  • Rollover protection
  • Recycling
  • Earthworks
  • OEM solutions

Prolec's success stems from innovative applications of sensor, hardware and software technologies, from excavator safety and telehandler control systems, through to height limitation technology, on-board weighing systems and rail safety equipment and machine guidance solutions. Delivering robust technologies to safeguard our customers' operations, we will drive your productivity to the highest levels within its working envelope.

As a market leader, Prolec has developed many innovations that are now commonplace, including CAN sensors, graphical dig depth monitors, on-board weighing, height limitation solutions and advanced road-rail systems.

We have an extensive distributor network, ensuring the highest level of support in every region where Prolec products are deployed.




Prolec keeps key rail project on track
A specially engineered solution is improving productivity by ensuring adjacent lines can be kept open during significant railway modification projects.
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The High Output Plant System (HOPS) train being used to electrify the 235 miles of railway between Maidenhead and Swansea has been uniquely designed to have the capability to work ‘adjacent line open’ so trains can still run when work is being carried out. This saves time and money because work no longer has to be restricted to times when lines can be temporarily closed for safety reasons.

German rail plant equipment manufacturer, Windhoff (which built the HOPS train) approached Prolec to design and install its standard safety solution, PME Rail Ultra, on the HOPS train in order to allow Network Rail to keep adjacent lines open while the train does its work.

This request came after Network Rail had highlighted potential safety issues with the positioning of the excavator arm on the HOPS train. Prolec’s challenge was to engineer a system to meet safety requirements by ensuring the excavator arm functioned within safe working parameters.

‘If you have something swinging on the end of the arm which suddenly stops moving, the uncontrolled pendulum effect can present a very real danger of injury or damage,’ says Gary Welch, test engineer at Prolec who was involved in the project.

The Prolec team met the challenge by designing a sensor solution with a special ‘soft stop’ system to ensure the excavator arm is manoeuvred in a safe and controlled way. They then worked closely with Network Rail to gain industry approval for the system. Adjacent Line Open (ALO) approval is a standard that permits rail vehicles to carry out essential maintenance while allowing trains to run on adjacent lines. This was key to solving the wider industry issue of improving maintenance efficiency, increasing safety and reducing costs.

‘By minimising the jolt and swing of the excavator arm, Prolec’s safety system reduces risk and meets the strict rail industry standards that allows ALO to work,’ says Harvey Moore, Prolec’s quality and project manager. ‘This means on multitrack lines other lines can be kept open, minimising disruption and speeding up the process considerably.’

Although there are other systems on the market, Prolec is the only company to offer a safe and industry accepted ALO solution with a soft stop system. ‘Our product really is solving a major industry problem,’ adds David Menon, managing director of Prolec. ‘It means Network Rail can run the HOPS train for longer and harder, enabling it to deliver its potential.’

Prolec’s adapted PME Rail Ultra system controls all movement and positioning and ensures that no parts of the excavator or load will encroach on the adjacent line. The system was installed at Network Rail’s Swindon depot by Prolec support engineer, Fergus Fieldhouse, who worked to a tight deadline in a challenging

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