11 Enterprise Court
Seaham Grange Industrial Estate
Seaham Grange Industrial Estate
County Durham
England UK
About St Astier Ltd
St Astier is a specialist consulting contractor for the construction industry. We help clients to maximise the value they can derive from the built assets under their control by providing intelligent renewal, repair, maintenance and conservation services that extend and enhance the life of structures.

Building Conservation:
Building conservation services for built heritage including Grade I & II listed structures, scheduled ancient monuments, ecclesiastical buildings and masonry ruins.
Social Housing:
Housing repair and refurbishment services centred on external repair and external wall insulation for housing stock under the control of local authorities, housing associations and registered social landlords.

Structural Repair:
Services to repair, stabilise and restore the load bearing capacity of failed structural elements in domestic dwellings, historic properties, commercial buildings, road bridges, marine structures and industrial facilities.
Industrial & Civil:
The repair, upgrading or repurposing of structures in an industrial or civil context including water retaining structures, sea defences, tunnels, factories and water treatment plants.

You’ll Enjoy Doing Business With Us
We have a simple strategy. We place clients at the centre of our business and then exceed their expectations. We wow you with our service and our professionalism – you tell your friends and colleagues just how good we are: we get more business as a result.
The company focuses on quality and value for money. We aren’t always the cheapest option because we don’t deal in cut-price solutions or bargain basement information. You can be sure that we share your commitment to quality, safety and the environment.


Building Conservation:
Building conservation services for built heritage including Grade I & II listed structures, scheduled ancient monuments, ecclesiastical buildings and masonry ruins.
Social Housing:
Housing repair and refurbishment services centred on external repair and external wall insulation for housing stock under the control of local authorities, housing associations and registered social landlords.

Structural Repair:
Services to repair, stabilise and restore the load bearing capacity of failed structural elements in domestic dwellings, historic properties, commercial buildings, road bridges, marine structures and industrial facilities.
Industrial & Civil:
The repair, upgrading or repurposing of structures in an industrial or civil context including water retaining structures, sea defences, tunnels, factories and water treatment plants.

You’ll Enjoy Doing Business With Us
We have a simple strategy. We place clients at the centre of our business and then exceed their expectations. We wow you with our service and our professionalism – you tell your friends and colleagues just how good we are: we get more business as a result.
The company focuses on quality and value for money. We aren’t always the cheapest option because we don’t deal in cut-price solutions or bargain basement information. You can be sure that we share your commitment to quality, safety and the environment.